Monday, August 17, 2009

Work to Play

Another "jet-setting" weekend prevails in the life of a dreamer... Richmond to NoVa to DC to Maryland to attend my phirst Phish show, or attempt to anyway.

Merriweather, the venue, wasn't as welcoming as Merriweather, the audience. The crowd was JamPactJelliTite (the title of Jeff Donaldson's 1969 psychedelic painting below) full of radiant positive energy, which made up for being in the lawn, shut out phrom the canopied venue. My phace :D was still stuck :D like this :D.


It was amazing that I even got into the show. Originally, we were supposed to be part of the epic "Green Team" - a group of phaithful Phish volunteers to help recycle bottles and cans left behind by the rest of the phanatics. There were rookies, like myself, attempting to jump on the green wagon, and veterans that have been doing it for years. It's a give and take system. If you have tickets, bring them and share them with the team. We work together to make everyone happy and to help everyone make there way in. Because my friends and I have no concept of time, I didn't make the green list... but I still got into the show and I got to help the crew afterwards.

When I phinally made it into the venue, I got separated from my phriends. I worked the crowd solo, milking them for all the good energy I could, sharing and learning all the way. My phace :D was stuck. There was no way I was gonna let the minor gap between my phriends and I ruin the phun to be had. At that point, everyone was my phriend...

!!! WARNING !!! Don't interfere with the precious sound waves between a phanatic's ears and their worshiped tunes. In my lone venture, I met a cutie young lady (whose name I have phorgotten). We chatted, danced, shared a drink and then got shot back down by a yuppy woman with bug-eyes in phront of us, who barked that our "chattering was ruining her experience". Sorry lady, maybe you should've paid phor a seat.

Merriweather denied anyone a phair auditory performance. If you were in the lawn, you were pretty much shut out from the real show. They did have awesome TV screens that showed a good quality image of Trey and the stage, but that was like a second-hand version of the real thing; a hand-fed experience that I relied on, I must admit.

I heard a Phish performance was supposed to be a life-changing, but I feel the same. I am always inspired, though, by the thousands of people that follow this band religiously and the energy they permeate. It's a love for music, family, adventure and life that I feed off of and live for. A thrill sought after time and time again that never gets old.

I see music as the main way to bring inspired, like-minded people together.

This may, or may not have been what the show looked like, I couldn't tell ya...

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